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5 Ideas for Your Next Social Media Campaign

Ringing in the new year can be very exciting. With the new year comes the perfect time to run a special social media campaign. However, creating a social media campaign can be both exciting and stressful. What is the best way to get followers and users to engage after the busy holiday season?

In order to pick the best promotion, you will want to come up with a lot of ideas for your new year campaign. One place to start getting ideas would be with previous campaigns you posted for other holidays such as Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, & etc.

The following are 5 helpful social media campaign ideas for the New Year.

1. Facebook Comment Challenge Giveaway

In this particular giveaway, you would challenge your users to come up with an answer to enter. You give them a “hint” that the answers can be found on your website. This, in turn, increases traffic to your website.

2. Instagram Follow and Re-Post Giveaway

If you have attractive products or colorful photos, then you should consider doing a new year giveaway on Instagram.

Asking people to repost your photo is a fantastic way to spread the word of your giveaway. Include the instructions for contest entry in your photos is a must, that way when it the picture is re-posted, other users will know how to enter.

3. Facebook and Instagram Giveaway

Having the different social media platforms that you post on come together is a great way to get more followers across the board.

This method requests a re-post on Instagram with 2 specific hashtags, as well as liking their facebook page. This particular method works best if you are giving away something rare or very desirable. Typically adding more steps to your promotions can cause friction with your users and in turn, reduce entries.

4. Twitter Follow and Retweet Giveaway

This type of giveaway has been tried and works wonders. Incredibly easy to run and track entries. Retweets help spread the word of your promotion like wildfire. If you want to get a bit more creative on this type of social media campaign, you can try something along the lines of “tweet with a hashtag”. In this instance, users will include a hashtag about a favorite product.

5. Limited Time Discount

This is an excellent way to attract business during what could be slow periods. You can entice customers with special promotions such as One Day Only, Free Shipping, BOGO (buy one, get one offers) sitewide discounts and special purchase items.

All of these social media campaigns will attract more followers and visitors. Some important points to keep in mind to make any social media campaign successful:

• Vibrant visuals

• Giveaway something desirable

• Easy to follow instructions

• Multiple winners attract more users

• Have a sense of urgency “Today Only”

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